Sunday, December 7, 2014


A while back I caught a nasty case of the cold. Although I felt miserable in general, my sore throat upset me the most. Lucky for me, my roommate had just purchased an electric kettle, and I had teabags left over from last year.

One day, as the soothing warmth of earl grey tea trickled down my throat, I wondered just how much power the electric kettle consumed in boiling a half-liter bottle's worth of water, so I crunched some numbers...

Recall that Power (P) is the time rate of change of energy--which in this case is the work done by the electric boiler on the water.

P = \frac{dW}{dt}

The work done by the boiler is equivalent to the change in internal energy (U) of the water as the water heats up to 100°C. This change in internal energy is directly proportional to the change in temperature at constant pressure.

dW = dU = mC_{p}dT

This allows us to relate power to the change in temperature of the water.

P = mC_{p}\frac{dT}{dt}

Since we're not working with infinitesimal changes, we can rewrite this relationship in terms of simple changes of temperature and time.

P = mC_{p}\frac{\Delta T}{\Delta t}

Now let's plug in some numbers!

$$\Delta T = 100^{\circ}C - 23^{\circ}C = 77^{\circ}C \equiv 77^{\circ}K \\
\Delta t = 3 min \times \frac{60 s}{1 min} = 180s \\
\rho_{H_{2}O} \approx 1 \frac{kg}{L} \therefore m = V \times \rho_{H_{2}O} = 0.5L \times  \frac{kg}{L}= 0.5 kg\\
C_{p} = 4.1813 \frac{kJ}{kg^{\circ}K}$$

P = 0.5 kg \times 4.1813 \frac{kJ}{kg^{\circ}K} \times \frac{77^{\circ}K}{180s} \approx  0.894 \frac{kJ}{s} \\
0.894 \frac{kJ}{s} \equiv 0.894 \ kW \equiv 894 W

So my roommate's electric kettle consumes 894 Watts of power. However, that doesn't mean much, so let's dig deeper...

According to the Energy Information Administration, America generates 39% of its electricity from coal. Coal has an energy density of 32,000 kilo-Joules per kilogram.

Well we already implicitly calculated the kettle's energy consumption to be about 160 kJ (recall P = W/t, so W = Pt). Let's use that to calculate my coal consumption.

m_{coal} = W \div \rho_{energy_{coal}}  = 160 kJ \div 32,000 \frac{kJ}{kg} = 0.005 kg \equiv 5g

Hmm, 5 grams doesn't look like much, but let's scale that up by a conservative estimate of 10% of the US population, or 31.6 million people.

m_{coal_{US}} = 0.005 kg \times 31.6 \times 10^{6} = 158,000 kg \\
m_{coal_{US}} = 158,000 kg \times \frac{1t}{1000 kg} = 158 t

158 tonnes! That's the mass equivalent of 22 elephants! That means 10 million Americans boiling half a kilo of water for a cup of tea use up 158 tonnes of coal--every day!

What if we used another power source? Well when I looked up the mass-energy density of coal on Wikipedia, I noticed the immense mass-energy density of Uranium as used in a breeder reactor.

\rho_{energy_{Uranium}} = 80,620,000 \frac{MJ}{kg}

Wow! That's more than 3 million times as energy dense as coal! Let's recalculate the fuel-mass required for boiling water.

m_{fuel} = m_{coal_{US}} \times \frac{ \rho_{ energy_{coal} } } {\rho_{energy_{Uranium}}} \\
m_{fuel} = 158,000 kg \times \frac{32}{80,620,000} \approx 0.063 kg \equiv 63 g

63 grams. Compare the fiscal and environmental costs of mining, refining, and storing a mere 63 grams of Uranium to the fiscal and environmental costs of mining, refining, and burning of 158 thousand kilograms of coal next time you think about atomic power. Yes, nuclear power plants are dangerous if not carefully supervised, but the near-unlimited power that we can derive from nuclear plants far outweighs their cost.

And speaking of unlimited power, let's conclude with the best thing out of the Star Wars prequels...

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

I'm back!

Wow, my last post was from February 2013...

Clearly, blogging really isn't my thing--then again, I may have created this blog just to boost my chances of getting into MIT, so my desire to keep up with the blog fed off my rather vain desire to get into MIT.

Hindsight: I know, I know. That was a very cheap and crude application booster. Well what can I say, when I was young and stupid...I was young and stupid. 

At any rate, now that I'm not trying to kiss-ass to MIT, I feel kinda liberated, so I'm gonna make this more of a general-purpose blog à la 2004 with a slight focus on science/tech because that's who I am. Here goes!

Last week, I was reflecting on personal goals that I had set out throughout the past school year. I was disappointed in myself for having not reached those goals--especially since many of those goals were pushes at breaking bad habits that I had previously attempted multiple times. Alas, I reminded myself that I had reached some of my goals, that Rome wasn't built in a day, and that I couldn't build the "ideal" Farid Saemi in a day--and suddenly I remembered this.


Mysterious hooded man watches from a distance
Take a second to look awesome, time to go
Walk in slow-motion
So you still look awesome.
Guard just saw you,
And he's gonna shot you.
But don't mind him
Just keep looking awesome.

I digress. The reason why I'm blogging about it is because that sudden connection--between me meditatively thinking "Rome wasn't built in a day" and my brain remembering a video in which the singer says that line--really blew my mind (no pun intended). No other computer/processing thing would ever make that connection. None. Not even IBM's Watson.

The brain is truly a completely different universe floating inside every human's skull. Inside it, wormholes connect totally different systems to each other based on such simple links as a "Rome wasn't built in a day"--that's so freakin' cool! Although I'm studying engineering, I'd like to learn more the brain--or perhaps help fund brain research in the future when I'm floating in engineering money :)

At any rate, that's all I have for now. Thanks for reading, and bon voyage!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Kapton v0.5

Have you ever wondered why a lot of space probes look like someone plated them with gold?

No, it's not because NASA's rich (I wish)--nay, that's not even gold! That yellow reflective material is called Kapton, and NASA uses it to insulate its probes.

Kapton was developed by DuPont for use in the Apollo missions back in the sixties. It's a shiny sheet of synthetic plastic that can reflect heat really well without releasing gases*--all while enduring temperature swings of 673 K. As such, NASA applies the film to the outside of space probes, telescopes, and structures to protect them from the extremely harsh and radiating vacuum of space.

After freezing my balls off for the last few weeks, I decided to make my own Kapton to insulate my bedroom window.

I wanted to keep heat in while absorbing the little I received from the sun in the mornings. Ergo, I decided to make a two layer plastic film that would reflect my room's heat in and absorb the sun's heat from the outside while the air layer between the two sides provided the actual insulation.

To that end, I duct taped white trash paper to black trash paper and created my what I like to call, Kapton "Tiles."

I began by taping one tile to the corner of my window's room. Then I created and added more tiles until they covered the entire window.

My thought as I realized 1 tile wasn't going to cut it
Until finally...

But the next day I took it all down. The AC vent behind the light blasted air into my "kapton insulation" and the constantly wrinkling plastic made too much noise. However, more than insulating the temperature, my kapton insulated light the best. I doubt one photon in the visible light spectrum leaked through the plastic to hit my eyes--my room was pitch black.

*Fun Fact: Outgassing, or the releasing of trapped gas molecules, is what gives cars that "new car smell." As a recently assembled car sits in a car lot for weeks on end, gas molecules that had attached to various parts of the car during assembly begin to escape into the air--hence the smell. While this may not seem like a problem on earth, it's a very big problem in space, where terrestrial gases can contaminate tests or harm astronauts who live in a closed environment.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

A Productive Break...

Hello everybody! 

I am very happy to say that my winter break has begun! I definitely need it. However, I plan on completing some tasks I've been putting off for quite a while. They include:
  • Insulating the window in my bedroom. We live in a very old house; as such, our house has poor insulation--especially the windows. I want to insulate them with garbage bags!
  • Researching how to organize a TEDx. I love listening to stories, and TEDTalks are pretty much nerdgasmic stories of being human, Maybe I can organize one at Cy Creek...
  • Acquiring parts for a new and improved Arc Reactor (I want to wear this on the outside of my shirt).
I plan on blogging about my adventures starting tomorrow, so see you then!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Happy Birthday Frank Sinatra!

Yes, we all know today is 12/12/12--we can read calendars, but apparently some people cannot. Excuse me while I rant, but I am just tired of the whole "oh today's a big astrological planetary alignment day that leads up to the Mayan end of days where we all eat cream pie."

No. Just no.

There's nothing to stop me from proclaiming tomorrow as 1/1/1 of the Faridian Calendar, or yesterday as 25/25/25 of the Faridian the Elder Calendar--it's just a matter of finagling the starting day of my calendar. If I started my calendar yesterday, then today would have been 1/1/1. If I started it my calendar on Friday October 18, 1985, then today would have been 25/25/25. Nothing magical about it!

Today was also the anniversary of Guglielmo Marconi receives the first transatlantic radio signal, but nooooo. Nobody celebrates that achievement (or the fact that Marconi achieved that test with 17 of Nikola Tesla's patents). Instead, everybody is all excited about a bunch of twelves. 

And as the title states, today is Frank Sinatra's birthday, so may I suggest winding down your day with this?


Friday, November 23, 2012

Arc Reactor: Part II

I've said this before, and, unfortunately, I must say it again: I'm really bad at keeping up with this blog.

I'm not going to promise anything my two dear readers, but I shall do my best to  will regularly update this blog now that I've written the majority of my college applications. Now, onward to Part II!


Fortunately, I never got a chance to talk to my Physics teacher about the circuitry, so I had to sit down and think about it for myself. Initially, I could not even figure out whether we designed the reactor in series or parallel (more on that later), but then I remembered lighting up the reactor while some lights didn't work. That immediately eliminated a series connection.

I then wanted to make a schematic of the reactor, aka an circuit diagram, but the parallel-ness of the circuit confused me, so I just drew a version of the reactor in paint--and everything hit me!

*The remaining electrons get recharged 
I then felt comfortably enough to move onto a professional circuit diagram, so I did!

Now isn't that neater? Now for a quick explanation.

Electricity is the flow of electrons. We use electricity to power things by utilizing the charge, or electromagnetic energy, each of those electrons carry. In a circuit, electrons flow from the positive terminal of a voltage source (usually a battery) to the negative terminal. Along the way, resistors, which are things that use electricity, take the electrons energy and do work--like an LED using the electron's energy to light up. Inside the voltage source, the depleted electrons literally get recharged with energy for another trip around the circuit until the battery itself runs out of energy.
Series Circuit: note the decreasing voltage and constant current

Now there are two ways of designing a circuit, series or parallel. In a series circuit, all the resistors, batteries, and switches are lined up one after another in series. This design allows for a constant flow of electrons, or current, throughout the circuit. In exchange, the resistors on the circuit have to work with less and less electromagnetic energy since the previous resistor used up some voltage. Unfortunately, a series configuration's simplicity is also its weakness, for a failure in one device results in an incomplete circuit--bringing the entire circuit down.

Parallel Circuit
A parallel circuit is the opposite. In a parallel configuration, like my Arc Reactor, electricity flows with an equal voltage to all resistors since they're parallel. However, splitting up the current to each of those resistors naturally weakens the current, so each resistor has to work with less electrons flowing through it at any given time. Furthermore, because each parallel path completes the circuit, a failure in one device won't bring down the entire circuit (hence, our use of the parallel design). However, this design also consumes more power, since the resistors on the circuit are drawing voltage from the source all at the same time.

So there you have it. I don't know the electrical specifications of the LEDs I used, else I would have added some math to this, but I hope y'all like it!

Monday, November 12, 2012

It's Thermodynamics and it's annoying me!

15 minutes ago, I was sitting behind my desk trying to write a research paper on Hamlet when I realized my feet felt really cold, so I went to my room and got a pair of socks.

Ahhh, relief.

5 minutes later, I sense my feet are sweating. Okay, I can deal with that, so I take off my socks.

Ahhh, relief.

5 minutes later, I feel my feet are once again icy cold. Well, shoot. C'mon feet, make up your mind! I put my socks on once more, but this time, I use science!

I realized that my feet sweated with my socks on because they were simply too hot, but sweating wasn't cooling them very well because my socks are so thick. However once I too off my socks, the sweating really kicked in and transferred thermal energy from my feet into the air--thereby cooling my feet to an uncomfortable temperature. Ergo, I dried allowed my feet to air dry in the living room (one of the few places our home's heater works) before putting my socks on once more.

Alas, now everything is just right.

PS: My Arc reactor part II is coming up, I promise! My physics and I teacher were busy for the last two weeks, so we couldn't coordinate a time for circuitry analysis. I should get the post published by Friday.