Monday, November 12, 2012

It's Thermodynamics and it's annoying me!

15 minutes ago, I was sitting behind my desk trying to write a research paper on Hamlet when I realized my feet felt really cold, so I went to my room and got a pair of socks.

Ahhh, relief.

5 minutes later, I sense my feet are sweating. Okay, I can deal with that, so I take off my socks.

Ahhh, relief.

5 minutes later, I feel my feet are once again icy cold. Well, shoot. C'mon feet, make up your mind! I put my socks on once more, but this time, I use science!

I realized that my feet sweated with my socks on because they were simply too hot, but sweating wasn't cooling them very well because my socks are so thick. However once I too off my socks, the sweating really kicked in and transferred thermal energy from my feet into the air--thereby cooling my feet to an uncomfortable temperature. Ergo, I dried allowed my feet to air dry in the living room (one of the few places our home's heater works) before putting my socks on once more.

Alas, now everything is just right.

PS: My Arc reactor part II is coming up, I promise! My physics and I teacher were busy for the last two weeks, so we couldn't coordinate a time for circuitry analysis. I should get the post published by Friday.

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