Sunday, October 14, 2012

21st Century Polymathy? 21 Polymathy...Now, that's a name I haven't heard in a long time...A long time.

My two readers,

I'm sorry. I haven't touched this blog in almost a month--a month! Google Analytics tells me y'all have been periodically checking this blog over the last 3 weeks, but I've let you down each time. School has really taken its toll on my free time, and some personal issues have really hampered my efforts to keep up with my blog. However, I am happy to announce that I am commencing operations on Project Stark. 

Project Stark: EYES ONLY

Every year, during the week before my high school's Homecoming Dance, my school tries to rally everyone with school spirit by encouraging students to wear different spirit clothes on different days*. For example, this Thursday, the school says students should dress up as "nerds." This is what the student body usually dresses up as:

Since when did all nerds follow Steve Urkel's fashion wisdom?!?!?
No. Just no. I'm tired of this!

A real nerd doesn't look like some 1950s anachronism; nay, a real nerd looks like this:

Tell me that mustache isn't sexy
A real nerd is often a sexy beast who has rather fine taste--like NDT.

Ergo, I'm tired of seeing my classmates bring down an otherwise stellarly-fashionable group of people. That is why I plan on building a light-up Arc Reactor, attaching it to my chest, and dressing up as Tony Stark for nerd day. Most importantly, I'll blog my progress right here! Wish me luck.

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